FrontPage Extensions in Cloud Hosting
Unlike a lot of web hosting suppliers out there, we do not plan to stop the support of FrontPage Extensions on our servers and this attribute comes with each cloud service that we supply. We acknowledge the fact that when you're changing companies and you're moving your active site, you have probably worked on it through the years, so we give you the chance to select if you'll use some other app to rebuild the website or employ the content that you already own to avoid losing long years of work. Enabling FrontPage Extensions on our end takes just a click in the Hosted Domains area of your Hepsia Control Panel and you are able to use them separately for every domain or subdomain that you have in the account. After that you are able to upload your website because our system will add the required FrontPage files in your domain folder, therefore you won't need to do anything else manually.
FrontPage Extensions in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you have a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you are able to use FrontPage to make your site, because FrontPage Extensions are installed on the cloud platform where your website hosting account will be created. Activating and disabling the feature is done with a few clicks and per domain or subdomain through your Hepsia Control Panel that you will get to control the account, which means that you'll be able to easily have a FrontPage main site and a blog or a forum script inside a subdomain without any problems. Our system will add all of the system files needed for such a website automatically within the selected folder. Lots of web hosting companies nowadays stop the support for FrontPage Extensions, yet we would rather leave this option to you, instead of making you change the website design software that you use and waste all of the funds and efforts that you've invested through the years to create and maintain your site.