When you have a web site as well as an web application, speed is really important. The speedier your site works and also the swifter your web applications work, the better for you. Given that a site is a selection of data files that connect with each other, the systems that keep and access these files have a vital role in website effectiveness.

Hard drives, or HDDs, have been, right up until recent times, the most reliable systems for storing information. Having said that, lately solid–state drives, or SSDs, have already been becoming more popular. Look at our comparison chart to find out if HDDs or SSDs are more effective for you.

1. Access Time


After the introduction of SSD drives, data accessibility rates have gone over the top. Due to the brand–new electronic interfaces employed in SSD drives, the typical file access time has shrunk into a record low of 0.1millisecond.


HDD drives still work with the same basic data access concept which was initially developed in the 1950s. Despite the fact that it was substantially improved since that time, it’s sluggish when compared to what SSDs are providing. HDD drives’ data file access rate ranges somewhere between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


As a result of same revolutionary solution that allows for quicker access times, you too can benefit from greater I/O performance with SSD drives. They can complete double as many procedures within a specific time when compared with an HDD drive.

An SSD can deal with at the least 6000 IO’s per second.


Hard drives present reduced data access rates due to older file storage and access technique they are by making use of. In addition, they display much slower random I/O performance when compared to SSD drives.

In the course of Host a Domain’s tests, HDD drives maintained on average 400 IO operations per second.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are designed to include as less moving parts as is possible. They use an identical technology like the one utilized in flash drives and are also significantly more trustworthy when compared to regular HDD drives.

SSDs offer an typical failing rate of 0.5%.


With an HDD drive to work, it has to spin 2 metallic hard disks at over 7200 rpm, keeping them magnetically stabilized in mid–air. There is a good deal of moving components, motors, magnets and also other tools loaded in a tiny place. So it’s obvious why the common rate of failure associated with an HDD drive varies among 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives operate almost soundlessly; they don’t produce excessive heat; they don’t involve added cooling down options and also use up less energy.

Trials have shown the typical electrical power consumption of an SSD drive is somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


From the minute they have been built, HDDs have invariably been extremely electric power–greedy systems. Then when you have a web server with many types of HDD drives, this will raise the monthly power bill.

Normally, HDDs take in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The quicker the data access rate is, the sooner the data queries are going to be handled. This means that the CPU will not have to save assets waiting for the SSD to reply back.

The common I/O wait for SSD drives is 1%.


HDD drives support reduced accessibility rates than SSDs do, resulting for the CPU being required to hang on, although reserving assets for your HDD to discover and give back the required data.

The standard I/O wait for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for several real–world examples. We competed a full system backup with a hosting server only using SSDs for file storage uses. During that process, the standard service time for any I/O query kept under 20 ms.


Compared with SSD drives, HDDs feature significantly reduced service rates for I/O requests. Throughout a web server backup, the regular service time for any I/O query can vary between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You’ll be able to check out the real–world benefits of having SSD drives every single day. For instance, with a hosting server loaded with SSD drives, a full back up will take simply 6 hours.


In contrast, on a web server with HDD drives, a similar back–up usually requires 3 to 4 times as long in order to complete. A full back up of any HDD–powered hosting server normally takes 20 to 24 hours.

Should you want to promptly boost the overall performance of your web sites without needing to adjust any kind of code, an SSD–operated hosting solution is a excellent solution. Take a look at the cloud service packages plus the Linux VPS servers – our solutions feature really fast SSD drives and are offered at competitive prices.

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